Saturday, December 31, 2011


“For the king trusts in the LORD;
through the unfailing love of the Most High
he will not be shaken.”

                Psalm 21:7

Sometimes events happen in our lives that leave us shaken: A company where you have worked for the past 25 years asks you to leave in the name of downsizing. A spouse tells you over breakfast that “this isn’t working out.” The results from the medical test come back with the word “malignant.”

Such times not only test our resilience and ability to cope — they also test our faith.

Throughout the Bible, we find men and women who have had their faith severely shaken. Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers, taken to a foreign land, and later imprisoned under false accusations. Hannah cried out in her barrenness for a child. Certainly David went through numerous trials — his repeated cries for relief from his enemies and afflictions fill the pages of the Psalms.

Each one, however, overcame their circumstances and emerged victorious. Joseph became second in command to the Pharaoh. Hannah gave birth to a son. David defeated all his enemies and remained on the throne. Though shaken, they never faltered. Though tested, they remained faithful. Their trust was firmly planted in the “unfailing love of the Most High.”

Despite the human tendency to do so, David did not trust in his own ability or his prowess on the battlefield. He didn’t consider the throne of Israel as something he deserved or something he had earned. David knew that all he had were gifts from God — his heart’s desire, success and prosperity, a crown of pure gold, long life, unending blessings.

And it was all, as we discover in Psalm 21, because the king trusts in the Lord.”  Because of that trust, David knew that God’s love would protect and sustain him. While events in his life might leave him shaken, God would not let him stumble and fall.

The same is true for us. At times it might not feel like God is there at all. But consider all the good gifts that you have. Look for the many ways that God has sustained you — maybe through the kindness of a friend, or an unexpected check. It might be through His word that tells you He will hold you in his everlasting arms.

When the foundation of your world is seemingly crumbling around you, remember God’s love for you will never be shaken.

How Firm A Foundation
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Sing Praise To The Lord
