Saturday, March 26, 2011


Peace  .    .          .

An Anchor For Your Soul!!

Fall on Your Knees   .   .     .

And Rise on Eagle Wings

Worthy Is The Lamb

Hear the Angels Singing   .      .               .

Holy Holy Holy Is The Lord God Almighty,

Who Was, and Is, and Is To Come!

See it in your minds eye  .     .       .

The Heavenly Scene --  It is going on even now

Worthy Is The Lamb!

Worthy Is The Lamb!

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Enjoy the truth and beauty of this song and this video -

and refresh your soul before Your God!

Sing Praise To The Lord
Mark Chandler

How Deep The Father's Love For Us

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My Friend, do you realize?    .           .              .

Oh, How the Heavenly Father loves you.

Do you know His Love?

Oh, How He loves You!

No Greater Love than this; that One would lay down His life for another.

God demonstrates His Own Love toward us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

These videos provide a pleasant song for your enjoyment, while providing a little more insight into the Heavenly Father's Love for You. 

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"He Who did not spare His Own Son but gave Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him, also, freely give us all things!"

Perhaps you have yet to imagine or begin to comprehend how much the Father loves you.  Perhaps it is beyond your comprehension.  So it is for all of us.  But as you begin to open your heart and begin to consider the possibility that He does love you, and then allow your heart and mind to reflect on all that He has done, in His effort to reach you and communicate His love and show His love to you, you will begin to see and realize what is true. 

The truth is, The Heavenly Father gave His one and only Son because of how much He loves you.  He did not have to give His Son.  He did it because of His love for you - so great is His love.  He did it willingly and He ran to you with His love.  He was ready to love you before you were ever born and had already taken the necessary action to solve your greatest problem, before you realized you had any problems.  Can't you see what He has done? 

Imagine giving your only son.  How much love would you have to have for another person before you would be willing to offer the life of your own son, as a show of your love for another person? 

Now suppose the other person was your enemy.  Suppose they despised you.  Suppose all they showed you was hatred and violence and mocking and cursing and rejection.  Yet, because of your love for them, you were still willing to offer the very life of your son in order to show your love for them.  Not because you had to, but because that is what you wanted to do, and because that is what was necessary. 

What kind of love would this take?  What kind of love is this?

As you begin to understand your need, and then begin to see what He did to fulfill what you needed, you will begin to understand His love for you.

And when this happens, you will never be the same again.

Oh, how He loves you.

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Sing Praise To The Lord
Mark Chandler

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

A Classic Hymn Sung with a Little Different Melody   .       .         .

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I hope you really enjoy listening to this song.

Sing Praise To The Lord


Welcome To Our World

This is a great song  .    .       .

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Sing Praise To The Lord

New Every Morning are Your Goodness and Mercy!


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Heavenly Father, when I see the sunrise this morning I am reminded of Your mercy,

and Your Faithfulness, and my heart is filled all over again, with the Joy You provide.

Your Mercy and Your Goodness are new every morning!

Great is Your Faithfulness, O God

Your Lovingkindness endures forever.

Though I have already forgotten your blessings and faithful provision from yesterday,

You remember my needs and are present again this morning

With Your new Mercies and Goodness, providing for my needs.

You provide the oxygen for my lungs,

You provide the capability of my lungs to use the oxygen You provide,

You provide the ability for me to see, through the eyes You created.

You provide the ability for me to hear, through the ears You created.

You provide the ability for me to speak, through the tongue You created.

You provide the ability for me to feel and taste and smell.

You sustain the beating of my heart!

You have created the systems and organs and functions of my body  -  -  -

Magnificently complex and effectively interacting systems that You alone created!

And You maintain and sustain all of them, in Your goodness and faithfulness.

Every Good and Perfect Gift comes down from You,

The Father of Lights, From Above,

In Whom there is no variableness, neither 'Shadow of Turning'.

You, Father, are the same: Yesterday, Today and Forever!

You, Lord Jesus, are the same: Yesterday, Today and Forever!

You Never Change!

Your Compassions Never Fail!

You have loved me with an Everlasting Love!

Your Holy Word Says:  "I am the Lord!  I Change - NOT!"


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I Trust You Father.

I Trust You Lord Jesus.

Your Holy Word Says:

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart,

And lean not to your own understanding.

In all of your ways, acknowledge Him,

and He will bring it to pass."

I lay my life down, again, before You, O Holy and Gracious Father,

and I ask You to make my life what You want it to be, today,

that You would be honored and pleased with my life, today,

and that You would get the credit for all the good You bring into and through my life today.

Keep me by Your Holy Spirit -

Help me to be able to Abide In Christ as the Vine, today -

Help me, O Father, to be Filled with Your Holy Spirit

And to not grieve or provoke to jealousy Your Holy Spirit!

Produce in my life, by Your Holy Spirit, the fruit that can only come from Your Spirit.

Keep a guard on my mouth and help me to be:

Swift to Hear!

Slow to Speak!

Slow to Anger!

Because the anger of human beings does not produce Your Rightness!

Please provide the wisdom I need for today, from above, I pray,

In Jesus Holy name and for the sake of His sacrifice on my behalf,

In order that someone who does not know You

Might come to know You today, Father, if possible,

Because of the works that You work in and through my life, today.

So that, if possible, someone who has never known or seen Your Goodness and Mercy,

Would see Your Goodness and Mercy, New, Tomorrow Morning,

As You have allowed me to see them this morning.

Thank You Father.

Sing Praise To The Lord
Mark Chandler