Friday, April 20, 2012


My Help Comes From The Lord - Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
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Psalm 77:19 stops me in my tracks.
“Your way was through the sea, Your path through the great waters; yet Your footprints were unseen.”
I’m stopped in my tracks by the thought of a God who always displays His great power – though sometimes we can’t see what He’s doing. Sometimes we can’t even discern that He’s doing anything at all.
But He is.
Psalm 77 is all about “the day of trouble”, and the psalmist reminds himself – and us – that we can always sing “a song in the night” (Psalm 77:6) about the relentless faithfulness of our gracious God. Any night! And that’s because our great God never ceases to be trustworthy.
When I’m up against my Red Sea, I want to see my way clear. I want to know God’s definitive intentions and His path of escape. I want the blueprints! But often God is at work in ways that are invisible and quiet.
I’m stopped in my tracks because I can’t always see His tracks. But His tracks are there, for He is always at work.
The English poet and hymnodist William Cowper (1731-1800) was no stranger to long dark nights when the Lord seemed very much absent from and unmoved by Cowper’s spiritual and emotional pain. Yet our brother was able to exclaim: “God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform; He plants His footsteps in the sea, and rides upon the storm!”
Therein lies the difficulty for us: we can’t see footsteps in the sea.
I don’t know where you’re struggling today, if at all. But this I know: God is at work in you and for you (Philippians 2:13). Rest assured. So go ahead and sing your song in the night! Cowper’s words may help …
    Oh! for a closer walk with God,
    A calm and heav’nly frame;
    A light to shine upon the road
    That leads me to the Lamb …
Sing Praise To The Lord
